lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


L’ONG “D-sf: Dibuixants sense fronteres”,s’afegeix a les reivindicacions de la plataforma “Aturem Bcn World” mitjançant el treball dels millors humoristes gràfics nacionals i internacionals, per frenar entre tots la col•locació d’un complex de casinos impulsat per interessos empresarials de dubtosa reputació darrera els quals es troben personatges imputats i vetats per la justícia internacional. BCN World, mitjançant pressions i condicions anticonstitucionals, com la rebaixa tributària imposada al govern a un 10%, pretén instaurar a la província de Tarragona i amb la complicitat dels grups polítics CiU i PSC, un model de turisme anti-familiar basat en ludopatia i tràfic fiscal, potencial centre d’atracció de les màfies internacionals i el blanqueig de capital fraudulent entre altres coses, amb el conseqüent risc per a la seguretat ciutadana, no només pels habitants de la província de Tarragona sinó pel conjunt del territori català i de l’estat espanyol.

Et convidem a enviar els teus dibuixos,siguis o no professional, que seran penjats en un blog recolzant la iniciativa i publicats al diari “El Triangle”. Pots afegir el mitjà de comunicació o blog en el qual operes si ho desitges. Envia els teus dibuixos a:
No existeix cap mena d’explotació comercial del material de recolzament rebut dels participants, professionals o amateurs. Les imatges seran publicades i presentades als mitjans informatius i/o de recolzament a la iniciativa sense ànim de lucre.

A la campanya s’uneixen organismes estatals i internacionals com “Instituto Quevedo del humor” de la Universitat d’Alcalà de Henares o la plataforma internacional de vinyetistes “CARTOON MOVEMENT”

informació sobre Dibuixants sense fronteres.

informació sobre la plataforma "Aturem Bcn World".
La O.N.G. "D-sf: Dibujantes sin fronteras", se suma a las reivindicaciones de la plataforma " Aturem Bcn World" a través del trabajo de los mejores humoristas gráficos nacionales e internacionales, para frenar entre todos la colocación de un complejo de casinos impulsado por intereses empresariales de dudosa reputación... tras los que se encuentran personajes imputados y vetados por la justicia internacional. Barcelona world, mediante presiones y condiciones anticonstitucionales, como la rebaja tributaria impuesta al gobierno a un 10%, pretende instaurar en la provincia de Tarragona,y con la complicidad del grupo político C.I.U. y P.S.C, un modelo de turismo anti-familiar basado en ludopatía y tráfico fiscal, potencial centro de atracción de las mafias internacionales y el blanqueo de capital fraudulento entre otros efectos, con el consecuente riesgo de seguridad ciudadana, no sólo para los habitantes de la provincia de Tarragona, sino para el conjunto del territorio catalán y del estado español.
Te invitamos a enviar tus dibujos, profesional o no, que serán colgados en un blog sosteniendo la iniciativa, puedes añadir el medio de comunicación o blog en que operas si lo deseas. Envía tus dibujos a
No existe ninguna explotación comercial del material de apoyo recibido por los participantes, profesionales o amateurs. Las imágenes serán publicadas y presentadas a los medios de apoyo a la iniciativa sin ánimo de lucro.
Más información sobre Dibujantes sin fronteras:
Más información sobre la plataforma "Aturem Bcn World":


L'ONG "D-sf: Dessinateurs sans frontières", rejoint les revendications de la plate-forme « Aturem Bcn World » grâce au travail des meilleurs humoristes graphiques nationaux et internationaux, pour arrêter toute la mise en place d'un complexe de casinos propulsé par des intérêts commerciaux de réputation douteuse après face à des entrepreneurs accusés et interdits par la justice internationale. BCN World, par le biais de pressions et conditions inconstitutionnelles, comme des réductions d'impôt imposées de 10 % au gouvernement, cherche à établir dans la province de Tarragone et avec la complicité du groupe politique C.I.U. et P.S.C.,un modèle de tourisme anti-famille basé sur la ludopatie et le trafic fiscal, Centre potentiel d'attraction des mafias internationales et la blanchiment de capitaux frauduleuse entre autres effets, avec le risque de la sécurité des citoyens, non seulement pour les habitants de la province de Tarragone, mais aussi pour l'ensemble de la Catalogne et l'Etat espagnol. Nous vous invitons à envoyer vos dessins, professionnels ou non, qui seront publiés sur un blog en appuyant l'initiative, vous pouvez ajouter le support de communication ou blog dans lequel opérez si vous le souhaitez. Envoyez vos contributions à . Il n'y a aucune exploitation commerciale de l'aide graphique reçue par les participants, des professionnels ou des amateurs. Les images seront publiés et soumis à l'appui de médias à l'initiative de not-for-profit. Plus d'informations sur dessinateurs sans frontières :
plus d'informations sur la plate-forme « Aturem Bcn World »:


May 30: demonstration "will not play the game of Bcn World!" Initiated the campaign, until May 31, the date of the public manifestation against the Bcn project World, convened by the Assembly Stop at Bcn World and more than 40 groups that there is support, under the slogan: "I don't play the game of Bcn World!". The #nojuguem campaign aims to raise awareness in the public about the risks associated with the project Barcelona World, especially linked to the increase in the additions to the game, the abusive tax rebates in the field of casinos, the radical change in the model of family tourism and linked to the territory, and management short transparent and lacking democratic procedures that has suffered the parliamentary process to modify the legislation in favor of Bcn. The campaign is side through the website From now on, the Assembly will strengthen the presence in the territory, the organisation of talks and open debates about Bcn World, and the fabric of social, economic and political support necessary to stop at Bcn feet World and propose alternatives to the development for the territory. The Assembly Stop at Bcn World wants to make clear that as of today: We are denouncing the lack of transparency and clear information on the Bcn project World. Political, economic and trade union organizations are supporting blind to a project that does not have a still of any economic or technical document that explains the details nor supports the viability, either in numbers of jobs. This can only be understood if, in Exchange for the good sides and the agreements signed in favor of Bcn World, someone would get some consideration. We denounce the inordinate pressure that Bcn World and in particular its president Xavier Adserà, is exerting on the Parliament and organizations of Camp de Tarragona. Whether to build the Parliament was asked to modify the World Friendly regulatory framework, must abide by the terms and procedures that this institution requires. Press on members of Parliament and parliamentary activity is typical of attitudes related to mafia organizations. As it has been confirmed that last week, the Parliament only has listened to the political appearances in favor of Bcn World, has not heard or received any of the technical criteria that different entities and experts came to expose in the parliamentary. The Bill that is about to be voted in the full Parliament, despite the supposed amendments from the PSC to "humanize" the project continues to be an attack against the tax which should benefit the productive economy and the generation of jobs and stable quality, and not the casinos of Bcn. The law keeps leaving in the hands of the promoters the possibility to modify the current planning, notably by increasing human pressure on the. The Pact signed between the CiU and the PSC, in addition to verify what the law already stipulates on compliance with the territorial and environmental planning (more butter!), it is necessary to make it a key reading on strictly political. The sociovergència has appeared suddenly from the hands of the Mayor of Tarragona, Josep Felix Ballesteros, thanks to which you will probably have to be insured a Pact of municipal government by 2015 and other benefits with the Government of the Generalitat. Where we are the declarations of the Socialists against the tax rebates to casinos and against tourism development models that put at risk the model of quality and respect for the territorial values? We encourage the people of the Camp de Tarragona to express your opinion about Bcn World in the multireferèndum which will take place on 25 may, to coincide with the European elections, where everyone will be able to show their support or opposition to Bcn. Now is the time, more than ever, to get all the risks associated with this tourist project in Camp de Tarragona. In either case we are talking about the failure of the Camp de Tarragona as a whole, their political class, of research centers on tourism, the University, the Chambers of Commerce, professional bodies and society in general. If Bcn World is just building on the terms currently posed to be a failure as a model, you have opted for a passenger car with the casinos and luxury shopping malls such as central pillars. We will have failed because of anything must be served all territorial plans and strategic plans for the new economy of the Camp de Tarragona who asked for a reconversion of tourism towards models closer to the territory, with reinforcement of its values and its people, and rotating the view towards the inside. We will continue to see how members of Parliament that we should stand up and be able to find investments that go on line to generate employment, but at the same time be a guarantee for the future, quality and identity, have not been capable of anything like that, they have swollen figures believed to increase tax revenue from the casinos, and have been sold to investors and promoters of cursed reputation. But if Bcn World is not just building, also we failed everyone, because we will have been nearly two years wasting your time on something that nobody had requested and which was not foreseen in any future scenario. We will have failed because, despite knowing that it was only a curtain that hid the Bcn World nothing, we have blind faith in irresponsible business that we have placed the carrot in front of the forehead, as if we were asses fathered. We failed because we have not heard the voices that we warn that this investment had high odds of being fictional and that you had to make the case to the tourism strategy that already was implant in Camp de Tarragona and not asked Bcn World or anything like that. From today and until the 31st of may, it can be very loud and clear that "you don't play the game of Bcn World!". Salou, 8 April 2014
You can send your protestdrawings through the N.G.O. D-sf: Cartoonists without borders to
ps-sorry for unconvenient google translation, we'll proceed for an accurated text in the following days, in the meantime you know what is all about. with this precarious sample!

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